Showing posts with label Sovereign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sovereign. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019

New Sovereign and AIA Trauma Policy Upgrades

There is good news for Sovereign and AIA trauma insurance policyholders - as of March 12th 2019 your trauma policies have been enhanced with a number of additional benefits and upgrades. These enhancements come free and automatically - your existing premiums will remain unaffected by the change.

What has changed and what are the details? We outline the upgrades that your policy now possesses below:

Sovereign Trauma Insurance Enhancements

1. New ‘Severe Illness or Injury Benefit’. Rare or obscure medical conditions can have a major impact due to the unique treatment needs they require. This benefit gives peace of mind that if your condition meets the policy’s definition, even if not formally listed as a covered condition, that you will be able to claim the funds you need from your trauma policy.

2. Medical Advancements Protection Provision. Medical technology and techniques are always advancing and so under this new provision, if any diagnostic techniques or investigations used in your policy wordings have been superseded or improved, this advancement will be taken into consideration when assessing your claim.

3. 40 medical definitions have been updated. New claimable conditions have been introduced. The definition of what constitutes these claimable medical conditions have been enhanced, giving clients more opportunity to claim and more specificity, eliminating possible confusion and giving further peace of mind. Sovereign’s Comprehensive Living Assurance Trauma policies now cover the following: Heart valve replacement or repair, severe burns, cognitive impairment, pneumonectomy, systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus, severe illness or injury (as outlined above) and terminal illness.

4. A new Built-in Counselling Benefit. This benefit covers up to $2,500 towards the cost of a Psychiatrist or Psychologist consultation or counselling following a Trauma claim. This benefit is payable once per policy.

5. A new Built-in Return Home Benefit. This benefit will reimburse the cost of a standard economy flight back to New Zealand for the policy assured and one support person. Up to a maximum of $10,000 is payable should the assured suffer a condition covered under their trauma policy whilst overseas.

6. A new Built-in Bereavement Support Benefit.
This benefit provides a lump sum payment that can be used to assist with funeral costs if a child of the policy assured dies. This benefit ceases when the child reaches age 21. It provides $2,000 if the child is under 10 years of age or $15,000 if the child is 10 years of age or more.

7. New Built-in Suspension of Premium Benefit.
This benefit enables the policy assured to temporarily suspend their Trauma cover if they go on parental leave or go on leave without pay for any reason for up to 12 months. The trauma cover can then be reinstated when you are again able to continue the premium payments

8. New Built-in Children’s Trauma Conversion Facility. This benefit allows the Built-in Children’s Trauma Benefit of your policy to be converted to a standalone Trauma policy for your child with a maximum sum assured of $75,000 or 50% of the life assured’s original sum assured.

9. Introduction of a Built-in Premium Conversion Facility. Your policy now allows you to convert all or part of the Trauma Cover premium to a level premium or further level premium structure without having to provide any new medical evidence or screenings.

10. New Built-in Standalone Conversion Facility.
This benefit allows the policy holder to convert your standalone Trauma Cover benefit to an accelerated Trauma Cover benefit with an equal amount of Life Cover without having to provide any new medical evidence or screenings.

11. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit has been enhanced. For Prostate Cancer and Malignant melanoma - the amount payable on your claim has been increased to a maximum of $75,000 or 25% of your sum assured.

12. The Optional Children and Maternity Benefit has been enhanced. There has been an increase of the total benefit to $75,000 (or 50% of the sum assured) if your child suffers one of your policy’s specified conditions.

13. The Special Events Increase Facility has been enhanced.
There are now broader definitions of life events that will allow you to increase or change your cover without new applications or medical checks. There are now no restrictions on the Salary Increase Event definition, a new event has been added (‘child of life assured starting secondary education’) and the mortgage event definition has been broadened to include increasing the Mortgage for extensions to your property.

AIA Trauma Insurance Enhancements 

All of the above features also apply to AIA trauma policies. In addition, the following also apply:

1. Introduction of an inbuilt ‘Newborn Children’s Benefit’. Adopts the Sovereign Newborn Children’s Benefit to the AIA personal Trauma policy with a total benefit payable of $50,000 or 20% of the sum assured. This benefit is payable to you on the birth of a newborn child of the life assured who is born with any of the following conditions:
  • Cleft palate
  • Down’s syndrome,
  • Spina bifida,
  • Total blindness or;
  • Absence of two or more limbs. 

2. New ‘Pregnancy complications benefit’.
This benefit is now part of the optional Children’s Trauma Top Up Benefit. It provides an additional $10,000 lump sum in the event that the life assured suffers one of these outlined pregnancy complications:
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation,
  • Eclampsia,
  • Hydatidiform mole.
3. Enhancements to the Return to Home and Financial Planning and Legal Benefits. It has been made easier for clients to claim through removing the condition for clients to have been working outside NZ for at least three consecutive months. In effect, this means policy holders can claim even when they are outside of NZ for leisure or non work related reasons. Also there has been an increase in the total benefit available to access Financial and Legal services from $750 to $1,000.

Any Questions or Enquiries? We're Here for You. With the enhancements to Sovereign and AIA policies now in effect, there’s never been a better time to be a policy holder. If you have any questions about your existing policies, or if you wish to review your trauma insurance needs in light of these changes, use the form below or call 09 307 8200 and one of our advisers will be happy to help.

Also, if you aren’t a policy holder and think trauma insurance could be right for you, contact us for a free, no obligation quote or consultation anytime.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Insurance News Round Up

1. Quirky contents insurance claims highlighted to encourage customers. - Insurance Business Online

"Some customers don't make a claim because they don't realise their more unusual items are covered under their contents insurance" - AA Insurance gives a reminder to potential customers that they may be underestimating the value of their contents insurance and what is truly covered.

2. Where to find the best travel insurance. -

Southern Cross Travel insurance, 1Cover and Worldcare have been named the travel insurance providers who best provides "outstanding value".

3. New Zealanders lack insurance for their most important asset. -

Whilst 95% of Kiwis have cover for their homes, cars or possessions, only a mere 30 percent of New Zealanders are covered by health insurance and only 57% have life cover.

4. Southern Cross Travel Insurance reveals the extent of fake claims. -

SCTI have revealed the regular extent of fraudulent travel insurance claims they receive, estimating upwards of 1500 cases a year may be fake claims.

5. Sovereign targets underinsured millenials in latest insurance campaign. - Good Returns

New digital led campaign aims to combat excuses, empowering young Kiwis to stand up and take charge of their financial wellbeing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

News Roundup 31st March

1. Sending Kiwis overseas for cheap surgical procedures ruled out by Southern Cross - NZ Herald

2. Sovereign has had its A+ financial rating renewed for the seventh consecutive year - Good Returns

3. NIB and Fidelity team up to offer health and life insurance bundle - Good Returns

4. Families of missing Malaysia Airlines flight get Insurance payout - Marlborough Express

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

News Roundup

A round-up of all the insurance and investment news fit to print.

1. Tower to keep the remainder of its life insurance business after selling to Fidelity.

2. Brian Gaynor: Forget Obamacare, New Zealand has its own medical insurance issues to address.

3. Harbour Asset Management director of fixed interest, Christian Hawkesby, spells out the eight key indicators to watch over the next 12 months for fixed interest investors.

4. London-based economist Andrew Hunt casts his eyes over global markets.

5. $200 million dollar payout for quake hit schools.

6. Sovereign is liable for $82 million after losing its battle with the Inland Revenue.

7. Less than a third of young people have the insurance cover they need.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sovereign's New Trauma Insurance

Sovereign Insurance, one of New Zealand's foremost insurance providers, is launching a new Trauma Insurance policy called Progressive Care.

It differs from traditional Trauma Insurance policies in that it is introducing a new severity based payout system, intended to mitigate costs and allow the insurance to be offered at a lower cost to customers. With Progressive Care, an impressive number of medical conditions are covered (62 in total), however, based on the severity of the illness suffered the payout can range from between 10% of the agreed sum assured all the way to the full amount.

Sovereign's New Progressive Care is aiming to be a more affordable trauma product.

The Progressive Care product would payout less overall, but would be more accessible to people who cannot afford current Trauma Insurance premiums, which tend to be higher than other forms of insurance such as Life or Total Permanent Disablement. If people don't like the idea of having insurance that could result in only a partial payout, the traditional forms of Trauma and Critical Illness cover will remain available from numerous sources on the marketplace.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Trauma Insurance Part Two: Add Ons

Following on from our earlier post dealing with what you need to know about Trauma Insurance in the wake of its growing popularity among New Zealanders, this post will deal with the different types of Trauma Cover, and the optional add-ons to your cover that can help you get the most out of your insurance.

Most providers trauma insurance comes in two distinct types; Comprehensive and Essential (these names will sometimes vary between insurance companies). Comprehensive provides you with insurance cover for a large number of defined medical conditions, with the full payment of your sum assured if you suffer any of these conditions. Essential provides you with insurance cover for the same amount of conditions, however, you will only get paid out the full sum assured for small group of those conditions. For the others, you will only receive a partial payment. Think of 'comprehensive' as exactly what it says. It covers almost everything, but it comes with a higher cost. Think of 'essential' like 'the bare essentials', less cover but at a lower cost.

Cheaper with partial payments? Or more comprehensive with higher premiums? The choice is yours.
Now let's explore the add-ons to your insurance that can be arranged for either comprehensive or essential trauma insurance.

Specialist and Diagnostic Testing

This add-on benefit is designed to pay for your consultations and appointments with a specialist, which gives you the freedom to avoid the public health wait, get immediate treatment and have it paid for by your insurance. With a Sovereign policy for instance, each person covered by the policy get your specialists and diagnostics covered by $3,000 per policy year.

Children or Maternity Benefit

If you have children and you would like them to be protected under your trauma insurance policy, this is the option for you. If you purchase this add-on and your child suffers one of the defined conditions, it will provide a financial buffer to support you, which generally means that if you have to stop work or your child required specialised care, you are financially covered.

Buyback Benefit

This benefit allows your policy to be reinstated once again after you have claimed on it for one of the defined medical conditions. This is an option for those who wish their policy to continue or if there is more than one person covered to ensure that the others still have protection after one member has to make a claim.

Business Safeguard

This is an option that you can purchase if you are attempting to insure a growing business. Basically, it allows you to increase your sum assured as your business grows or your own personal value to your business increases.

Waiver of Premium Benefit

Perhaps one of the most important add-ons and the one that we certainly recommend the most. Waiver of Premium means that if you are injured or ill, but not with one of the conditions that will trigger your insurance claim, waiver of premium will pay your trauma insurance premiums for you, so that you can keep your insurance cover going.

Total and Permanent Disablement Benefit

If you suffer an illness or an accident that is not covered by your policy, but is serious enough to render you unable to work ever again, then this benefit will kick in and you will receive a full payment of your trauma cover.

That covers most of the add-ons that are offered in the NZ insurance market for your Trauma Insurance. If you have any further questions about trauma or any other forms of insurance cover, don't hesitate to ask.