Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Top 7 Insurance Myths Exposed: Common Misconceptions About Insurance Coverage in New Zealand

Insurance is a crucial component of financial planning, yet there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding it - myths that the Spratt Financial team have encountered countless times over our 30 years in operation. In this article, we aim to debunk some of the most common myths about risk insurance coverage (life, health, income protection, mortgage coverage, permanent disability etc) for Kiwis.

  • Myth 1: Insurance is Only for the Elderly or Unhealthy

    • Reality: Insurance is for everyone, regardless of age or health status. From our 30 years of claims experience - accidents and illnesses do not discriminate by age and can happen to anyone at any time, sometimes with no warning signs whatsoever. Having tailored insurance coverage to the risks you actually face provides a crucial safety net for individuals and their families in times of need.
  • Myth 2: Insurance is Too Expensive

    • Reality: While insurance premiums may seem costly at first glance, the financial consequences of not having insurance can be far greater. Insurance premiums are based on various factors, including age, health, occupation, and coverage amount, and there are often options available to tailor aspects of your cover to fit within most people's budget. You have nothing to lose by seeing what an adviser might be able to help you put together!
  • Myth 3: I Don't Need Insurance Because I Have Savings

    • Reality: While savings are no doubt important, they may not always be sufficient to cover unexpected expenses resulting from accidents, illnesses, or other unforeseen events. While some believe that illness or accident is likely to result in either a quick recovery or be fatal, the reality is in most instances it results in a protracted disablement process. Over a potentially long term period of recovery where you are unable to continue earning a living - insurance can provide a means to protect savings and assets from being depleted in times of crisis.
  • Myth 4: Insurance Doesn't Pay Out When You Need It

    • Reality: Insurance companies have a legal obligation to honor valid claims made by policyholders. And if you're with a specialist adviser such as us, we have a 99% successful claims record over our decades of operation in the NZ marketplace. As long as the policyholder has met the terms and conditions outlined in the policy, such as paying premiums on time and providing accurate information, legitimate claims are typically processed and paid out promptly.
  • Myth 5: I'm Covered by ACC, So I Don't Need Additional Insurance

    • Reality: While ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) provides coverage for accidents and injuries sustained in New Zealand, it does not cover all types of disabilities or illnesses. Additionally, ACC benefits may not be sufficient to replace lost income or cover ongoing expenses.
  • Myth 6: I Don't Need Insurance Because I'm Young and Healthy

    • Reality: While youth and good health may reduce the risk of certain health issues, accidents and unforeseen events can still occur at any age. We've seen it happen time and time again. Securing insurance coverage while young and healthy can also result in lower premiums and fewer exclusions for pre-existing conditions. One of our staff was lucky enough to secure health insurance for himself at the age of 18 when he was young and healthy. A mere two years afterward, he was diagnosed with serious Crohn's Disease. Having the cover has over the forthcoming ten years saved him close to $60,000 in surgical, diagnostic and treatment costs and the premium he pays monthly is half of what it would be if he had taken out the policy after his diagnosis.
  • Myth 7: Insurance is Complicated and Confusing

    • Reality: While insurance policies may contain legal language and complex terms, insurance advisers are available to help individuals understand their options and make informed decisions. Working with an experienced adviser can simplify the process of selecting and obtaining the right insurance coverage tailored to individual needs and circumstances.

By debunking these myths and working together with free professional insurance advice, individuals can make informed decisions to protect themselves and their loved ones with appropriate insurance coverage. Remember, insurance is a valuable tool for financial security and peace of mind, and it's never too early to start planning for the future.

Spratt Financial Services - Insurance, Investment and Loans.

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Insurance Advice We Give

With over 30 years of experience in the insurance field, our team specialises in problem-solving to ensure your financial independence remains intact during unexpected events and especially during challenging health situations.

In partnership with professionals and your own personal insight, along with trusted Solicitors and Accountants, we can create secure financial structures around your assets, ensuring your long-term plans are safeguarded.

When facing the uncertainties of disablement due to medical conditions, your reliance on earned income can be severely threatened. Maintaining your financial independence and funding amidst health challenges is paramount for your goals and your future. Here are the key factors we focus on to establish and regain control when faced with the disablement process:

  1. Swift Access to Medical Support: Private medical insurance ensures immediate access to necessary medical advice, treatment, and technology without delay, providing peace of mind during critical times.

  2. Control Your Debt Arrangements: We can help you be able to continue to service your loans in the early stages of disablement, reducing them significantly if your health continues to deteriorate and finally eliminating all debts in the event of your untimely impending or actual departure. This is where monthly mortgage repayment cover fits, along with lumpsums that pay out when a critical illness/condition is diagnosed, or if your disability becomes permanent.

  3. Securing Artificial Income: Your ability to access a source of income becomes invaluable when earning your own living becomes impossible. This is where income protection fits, providing a stable source of income, enabling you to support dependents, completing retirement savings, and covering daily living expenses, ensuring your long-term projects stay on track.

Navigating the disablement process can be unpredictable, and it needs a more thorough set of appropriate structures and advice than many people think. By establishing proper structures, seeking expert advice, and selecting suitable insurance options, you regain control. Once control is regained, the Consolidation Stage begins as life continues, allowing your life to be addressed, resourced and funded as it continues.

The truth is that a holistic approach to the disablement process is necessary because, in our experience, the process is never predictable and never unfolds as you might expect. With our long term structured approach and comprehensive claims management we can ensure that your debt payments are met, solvency is established and ongoing needs are provided for. This can involve a complex claims process with multiple steps, which our service helps navigate for you. We take into account every facet of your needs from the lens of experienced industry professionals and help provide you with what you actually need at claim time, with no mistaken assumptions.

We specialise in a personalized approach, tailored to your unique situation. Let's meet to assess your current situation, evaluate existing resources, and discuss tailored solutions. We can and will also review Allied Professional Advice, existing structures like wills, trusts and guardianships, ensuring you and your dependents are well-prepared for the future.

Talk to an Adviser today.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Insurance Advice and Tips from the Spratt Financial Team

Insurance works best when it is used as the foundation for a plan that will protect a business, family or estate that is confronted by serious illness, long term disablement or injury. If you already have an insurance package (or you’re looking for insurance) and you want to know whether your insurance will really be sufficient to provide for all of your financial needs, here are the questions you should know the answers to:


We recommend that you grab a pen and paper and write down what your insurance claim proceeds will need to be used for when it is paid out. If you can’t do this now before tragedy strikes then you may be facing trouble later. Having this list in place can give you a reminder of where the money needs to go when it comes time to claim. With insurance, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.


Life Insurance pays out in the event of actual or impending “medical death”. However, in 94% of cases in New Zealand, deaths are due to medical conditions not accidents. 65% are these are due to degenerative medical conditions such as cancers, heart disease and strokes which can kill slowly over what may be an extended period of time. During this time, unable to work and unable to support yourself, your family or your business, you will be facing tremendous financial strain which your insurance may not cover for. Will the bank or your creditors wait until you are terminally ill before your life insurance cover pays out? This is perhaps the most crucial consideration to take into account when assessing your insurance. We can help you ensure that you are fully covered financially in the face of these worrying statistics as unfortunately, basic life cover is most of the time, simply not sufficient.


It may sound strange, but a $250,000 insurance claim may not be enough to repay a $250,000 debt. You may have additional interest payments, penalties for being in arrears and you may need to pay a Solicitor, Trustee or your Accountant to carry out these transactions for you. It is crucial that you set your sum assured at the right amount to cover your debt and provide adequately for your family and dependants should something happen to you. Take into account all factors, costs and if necessary, talk to us and we can help you find the amount you need.


If you have income protection insurance – do you have the right kind? If you have health insurance – what does your health insurance actually cover and what do you need it to? If you have permanent disability or critical illness insurance – how are these insurances structured within your overall portfolio of insurance and how will they work if something happens to you? The bottom line is, you need to figure out what risks you are most likely to face, take into account your lifestyle and your financial situation and then select the right insurance to meet your individual needs. This is why it’s so important to have robust insurance advice from insurance professionals like us – we can find out what’s right for you. Sometimes having the wrong kind of insurance is almost as bad as having no insurance at all.


Making assumptions about your insurance without proper and solid research and planning is always a mistake. Even assuming that you or someone close to you will be physically, mentally and emotionally capable of applying the claim proceeds to your predetermined targets is not supported by our experience of dealing with over 200 insurance claims. Question everything, and get a second opinion from insurance professionals to make sure you’ve got it right.


What have we learned? We recommend that you use our experienced professional advisers to not only design and review the underlying plan, but to execute it and carry out the tasks they are best suited to handle. If you don’t have a plan now, prepared with clear-headed purpose, then any insurance you do have may well be insufficient or not adequately fit to your unique needs. Use our experienced professionals if you need guidance or advice – our service is completely free and no obligation, so you have nothing to lose!


For more information on how Spratt Financial’s team of advisers can assist with managing your insurance program,  use our contact form below. You can also contact us by calling 09 307 8200 or by email at

Monday, June 13, 2022

Attraction and Retention - Solving an Employer Challenge

Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SME’s) are the lifeblood of the New Zealand economy, with over 470,000 SME’s employing over 584,000 staff. Much has been made recently of the staff shortages NZ businesses are experiencing, and the predicted “great resignation’’ once the borders open after prolonged closure. In a tight labour market, employers are always looking for new ways to attract and retain talent. A recent global wellbeing survey indicated that 82% of organisations believe wellbeing is important within their company. However, 'wellbeing' can have can have different meanings to different people.

Two meanings that are universally accepted in relation to it are Health Wellbeing, and Financial Wellbeing.  Employers can provide this wellbeing via “Employee" insurance programs that provide staff with Health insurance benefits so they can get better and back to work faster with insurance benefits that pay cash to staff should they suffer a major illness or disability, relieving financial worry and stress. 

Employee or “Group” insurance places value on employees’ wellbeing and shows that their employers genuinely care about them. If you are an employer with at least 5 employees, it’s a fantastic gesture to build loyalty, retain staff and reward them for their hard work. These plans also have the valuable advantage of providing a higher level of coverage, and at a much lower premium cost than an individual employee could access themselves.

A recent report by the Financial Services Council of New Zealand shows that “Group" insurance for employees is one of the fastest growing sectors of the insurance industry. This is because more and more employers realise the value it holds for employees from internationally mobile staff through to blue collar workers, and what great value it represents on ROI per dollar spent (cost is usually well below 1% of remuneration expenditure). Group medical insurance schemes are also available and are generally an exceptional and cost-effective option that gives your employees medical cover at lower costs than they could access themselves.

To find out more, or to receive a free no obligation consultation or quote you can contact our specialist Employee Benefits adviser to see how we can help you today. 

Peter Wilkening
Insurance Adviser 
(021) 190 5185

Saturday, April 2, 2022


In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and spending many weeks and months in lockdown, many of us have undergone significant and impactful life changes. Our financial situation might be different, our job or employment role may have changed and we may be facing both new challenges and opportunities. moving forward. This could mean that now is a great time to review your insurance cover, what you have, what you need and if there could be better options out there for your new post-Covid life circumstances.

If you have current insurance, there may be clauses in your policy (life, critical illness, permanent disablement, medical insurance, income protection etc.) that allow you to make changes quickly and easily, without any additional medical tests or screenings. These clauses can be triggered if you have experienced certain special events in the last 12 months. These events include:

  • Having a child (by birth or legal adoption) or become responsible for the care of a family member.
  • Getting married.
  • Getting divorced.
  • Supporting a dependent child through a first course of full time tertiary education.
  • Commencement of secondary school education for the first time by your child (if you are the life assured of your policy).
  • Taking out or increasing a home loan, residential investment, vacation home or bare block of zoned land as residential.
  • Becoming responsible for the full time care or payment for long term care of a close relative.
  • Annual salary increase.
  • Death of a spouse or de facto partner.
  • You take out a new home loan or increasing an existing one.
  • You gain a significant salary increase of 10% or more.
  • Your spouse or partner passes away.
  • You get married or finalise a divorce.
  • You undergo significant changes to your personal financial situation.

Even if you don’t meet these particular criteria, the Spratt Financial team can help you make the needed changes quickly and efficiently with no hassle. We can also conduct a free, no obligation review to find out if you’re still getting the best deal possible and hopefully save you some money on your insurance cover.

We take the time regularly to review policies and make sure they still fit your unique needs and lifestyle, but we encourage you to contact us anytime something changes in your life and you want to ensure your cover still fits as it should. All aspects of our insurance service are completely free to you and we are always happy to help. Email us here, fill out our online contact form below or call us any time at 09 307 8200.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Insurance Claims: The Importance of having a Will.

Throughout our 30 years of experience in the Insurance marketplace, there are a few key things that we always advise our clients to look into regarding their insurance. One of the most important of those things is having a will in place that is complete and current.

If you have insurance cover on your life for instance, without a current will in place specifying your wishes your crucial claims money could be delayed or misdirected in ways you did not intend. Your Life Insurance policy will pay out at the time of your death and you can use your will to specifically detail how the Life insurance payout should be used.

Fortunately, these days getting a will in place and certified is not a labour intensive or expensive process, and it is a crucial step to take. It is equally as important to ensure that if you do have a will, that you make sure it is current and check it each year at the same time as your Insurance Policy Review. Make sure that your specified dependants that your estate will be distributed to is exactly who you wish for it to be, and make any necessary changes so that in the event that a life insurance or critical illness claim needs to be made, the intended recipients can get the claims payout with as little stress or delay as possible.

The Public Trust of New Zealand offers services that will allow you to create your will online for as little as $69. This is a small price to pay when compared to the possibilities of your entire life claim being delayed by unnecessary days, weeks or more. For more information on the process and to visit the Public Trust’s Will Service you can click here, or contact any of our team for any help that you may you need.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Attraction and Retention - Solving An Employer Challenge for 2022

Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SME’s) are the lifeblood of the New Zealand economy, with over 470,000 SME’s employing over 584,000 staff. Much has been made recently of the staff shortages NZ businesses are experiencing,  and the predicted “great resignation’’ once the borders open after prolonged closure. In a tight labour market, employers are always looking for new ways to attract and retain talent. A recent global wellbeing survey indicated that 82% of organisations believe wellbeing is important within their company. However, 'wellbeing' can have can have different meanings to different people.

Two meanings that are universally accepted in relation to it are Health Wellbeing, and Financial  Wellbeing.  Employers can provide this wellbeing via “Employee" insurance programs that provide staff with Health insurance benefits so they can getter better, and back to work faster, and insurance benefits that pay cash to staff should they suffer a major illness or disability, relieving financial worry and stress. 

Employee or “Group” insurance places value on employees’ wellbeing and shows that their employers genuinely care about them. If you are an employer with at least 5 employees, it’s a fantastic gesture to build loyalty, retain staff and reward them for their hard work. These plans also have the valuable advantage of providing a higher level of coverage, and at a much lower premium cost than an individual employee could access themselves.
A recent report by the Financial Services Council of New Zealand shows that “Group" insurance for employees is one of the fastest growing sectors of the insurance industry. This is because more and more employers realise the value it holds for employees from internationally mobile staff through to blue collar workers, and what great value it represents on ROI per dollar spent (cost is usually well below 1% of remuneration expenditure). Group medical insurance schemes are also available and are generally an exceptional and cost-effective option that gives your employees medical cover at lower costs than they could access themselves.
To find out more, or to receive a free no obligation consultation or quote you can contact our resident expert,  Peter Wilkening of Spratt Corporate Employee Benefits for a chat.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

New Sovereign and AIA Trauma Policy Upgrades

There is good news for Sovereign and AIA trauma insurance policyholders - as of March 12th 2019 your trauma policies have been enhanced with a number of additional benefits and upgrades. These enhancements come free and automatically - your existing premiums will remain unaffected by the change.

What has changed and what are the details? We outline the upgrades that your policy now possesses below:

Sovereign Trauma Insurance Enhancements

1. New ‘Severe Illness or Injury Benefit’. Rare or obscure medical conditions can have a major impact due to the unique treatment needs they require. This benefit gives peace of mind that if your condition meets the policy’s definition, even if not formally listed as a covered condition, that you will be able to claim the funds you need from your trauma policy.

2. Medical Advancements Protection Provision. Medical technology and techniques are always advancing and so under this new provision, if any diagnostic techniques or investigations used in your policy wordings have been superseded or improved, this advancement will be taken into consideration when assessing your claim.

3. 40 medical definitions have been updated. New claimable conditions have been introduced. The definition of what constitutes these claimable medical conditions have been enhanced, giving clients more opportunity to claim and more specificity, eliminating possible confusion and giving further peace of mind. Sovereign’s Comprehensive Living Assurance Trauma policies now cover the following: Heart valve replacement or repair, severe burns, cognitive impairment, pneumonectomy, systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus, severe illness or injury (as outlined above) and terminal illness.

4. A new Built-in Counselling Benefit. This benefit covers up to $2,500 towards the cost of a Psychiatrist or Psychologist consultation or counselling following a Trauma claim. This benefit is payable once per policy.

5. A new Built-in Return Home Benefit. This benefit will reimburse the cost of a standard economy flight back to New Zealand for the policy assured and one support person. Up to a maximum of $10,000 is payable should the assured suffer a condition covered under their trauma policy whilst overseas.

6. A new Built-in Bereavement Support Benefit.
This benefit provides a lump sum payment that can be used to assist with funeral costs if a child of the policy assured dies. This benefit ceases when the child reaches age 21. It provides $2,000 if the child is under 10 years of age or $15,000 if the child is 10 years of age or more.

7. New Built-in Suspension of Premium Benefit.
This benefit enables the policy assured to temporarily suspend their Trauma cover if they go on parental leave or go on leave without pay for any reason for up to 12 months. The trauma cover can then be reinstated when you are again able to continue the premium payments

8. New Built-in Children’s Trauma Conversion Facility. This benefit allows the Built-in Children’s Trauma Benefit of your policy to be converted to a standalone Trauma policy for your child with a maximum sum assured of $75,000 or 50% of the life assured’s original sum assured.

9. Introduction of a Built-in Premium Conversion Facility. Your policy now allows you to convert all or part of the Trauma Cover premium to a level premium or further level premium structure without having to provide any new medical evidence or screenings.

10. New Built-in Standalone Conversion Facility.
This benefit allows the policy holder to convert your standalone Trauma Cover benefit to an accelerated Trauma Cover benefit with an equal amount of Life Cover without having to provide any new medical evidence or screenings.

11. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit has been enhanced. For Prostate Cancer and Malignant melanoma - the amount payable on your claim has been increased to a maximum of $75,000 or 25% of your sum assured.

12. The Optional Children and Maternity Benefit has been enhanced. There has been an increase of the total benefit to $75,000 (or 50% of the sum assured) if your child suffers one of your policy’s specified conditions.

13. The Special Events Increase Facility has been enhanced.
There are now broader definitions of life events that will allow you to increase or change your cover without new applications or medical checks. There are now no restrictions on the Salary Increase Event definition, a new event has been added (‘child of life assured starting secondary education’) and the mortgage event definition has been broadened to include increasing the Mortgage for extensions to your property.

AIA Trauma Insurance Enhancements 

All of the above features also apply to AIA trauma policies. In addition, the following also apply:

1. Introduction of an inbuilt ‘Newborn Children’s Benefit’. Adopts the Sovereign Newborn Children’s Benefit to the AIA personal Trauma policy with a total benefit payable of $50,000 or 20% of the sum assured. This benefit is payable to you on the birth of a newborn child of the life assured who is born with any of the following conditions:
  • Cleft palate
  • Down’s syndrome,
  • Spina bifida,
  • Total blindness or;
  • Absence of two or more limbs. 

2. New ‘Pregnancy complications benefit’.
This benefit is now part of the optional Children’s Trauma Top Up Benefit. It provides an additional $10,000 lump sum in the event that the life assured suffers one of these outlined pregnancy complications:
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation,
  • Eclampsia,
  • Hydatidiform mole.
3. Enhancements to the Return to Home and Financial Planning and Legal Benefits. It has been made easier for clients to claim through removing the condition for clients to have been working outside NZ for at least three consecutive months. In effect, this means policy holders can claim even when they are outside of NZ for leisure or non work related reasons. Also there has been an increase in the total benefit available to access Financial and Legal services from $750 to $1,000.

Any Questions or Enquiries? We're Here for You. With the enhancements to Sovereign and AIA policies now in effect, there’s never been a better time to be a policy holder. If you have any questions about your existing policies, or if you wish to review your trauma insurance needs in light of these changes, use the form below or call 09 307 8200 and one of our advisers will be happy to help.

Also, if you aren’t a policy holder and think trauma insurance could be right for you, contact us for a free, no obligation quote or consultation anytime.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How Insurance/Investment can help your child complete their education.

When we think about our financial commitments and our debts, sometimes our child's education can slip by under the radar. Everyone knows about their mortgage, their utility bills and their credit cards, but how much its really going to cost to guide your child or grandchild through their education is often not figured into the equation. 

Private school or university fees can range from $5,000 - $25,000 per year, which is a substantial financial commitment and something worth thinking about. So if your child is starting or continuing their secondary or tertiary education in the New Year, here's what it might pay to take into consideration in your financial plan.

1. You May Qualify For Special Events Increases

In some insurance policies, special events clauses allow you to make changes to your insurance free and with no additional forms, checks or processes required. Having a child begin their secondary or tertiary education counts as one of these events under certain providers. This means that you can increase your sum assured or make changes to your plan quickly, easily and without stress. If you are a primary income earner who supports your child or grandchild as they go through their education, you can make sure that their education costs will be covered by taking the time to review and taking advantage of these clauses. 

We highly recommend taking the time to check with us if you qualify, or to review your insurance plan to make sure this new debt/liability will be taken care of and your child will be able to complete their education no matter what happens.

2. Review Your Existing Insurance Plan

If your child is starting or continuing their education it may be a prudent plan to conduct a review of your existing insurance factoring in these new financial commitments. We may find that some changes need to be made or may even be able to save you money, whilst still providing for your debts and making sure your child or grandchild has a safe, assured pathway through their education and into their chosen career. All our insurance reviews are completely free and no obligation, so you have nothing to lose.

3. The Benefits of Your Child Being Insured Early

In addition to thinking about your own insurance as your child/grandchildren start their education, its worth giving a thought to theirs as well. Getting a health and/or critical illness insurance policy in place for them has numerous practical benefits that can help make sure they and the family can overcome the financial obstacles illness or injury could present to their education and beyond.

Securing insurance cover young can mean:

  • Securing insurance cover young means cheaper and cost effective premiums.
  • Any conditions developed later on in life will be covered. Getting in young means less time for pre-existing conditions to develop which could mean possible savings of thousands or even tens of thousands in the long run. It meant exactly that for our team member who was diagnosed with Crohn's at the age of 20.
  • No exclusions, conditions or additional loading expenses in your policy.

4. Consider an Education Investment Fund

Our professional investment services can offer managed funds without a minimum starting amount - perfect for an education fund that can grow and prosper over time, eventually helping your child or grandchild finish their education successfully, without the burden of too much debt on their life. Backed by the most cutting edge research, we can consult with you and find the best option for your unique financial situation. If you want to get started or make an enquiry, just contact us today and ask a question or request a free, no obligation consultation.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

UPDATE: Smokers and Insurance - How Much You Can Save By Quitting

UPDATE: With the next New Year's cigarette and tobacco price increase about to take effect and plain packaging about to become mandatory throughout New Zealand, it's more important than ever to consider the possible benefits to your health and your wallet of quitting. 

Statistics estimate that 15% of adult New Zealanders smoke, or a total amount of around 550,000 people. Smokers in New Zealand have it tough in so many ways, and it's about to get even tougher. Not only are smokers mired in an unhealthy and destructive habit, every year this habit takes more and more out of them financially. Since 2010, due to new tax laws passed by parliament, the price of cigarettes and tobacco has risen dramatically.

A pack of 20 cigarettes has risen from around $13 to between $22-27 in 2017 (between $24-30 in 2018) depending on the brand of choice. With 10% tax increases set in law at least until 2020, smokers can expect that they will soon be paying upwards of $30 per pack or $1.50 for each cigarette. A pack a day smoker will be out $200 per week, a cost likely higher than all their groceries for the week combined.

In 2017, each of these set their owner back over $1 a piece. In 2018, the cost is set to rise yet again.

Unfortunately, that's not all a cigarette habit can cost. If you're a smoker and you have personal risk insurance in the form of life, trauma, TPD, income protection or health/medical insurance, you're paying a lot more in premiums than non-smokers are. This is because as a smoker, you are more likely to develop serious health conditions and thus, you pose a much higher risk to the insurer. How much more will a smoker pay? In some cases it can be up to double the amount of a non smoker of the same age.

The good news is, that if a smoker manages to quit, their premiums can be revised and changed down to a non smokers level if the smoker manages to maintain it for a significant period of time. For instance, if you quit smoking 12 months ago and are paying smoker premiums on your insurance, you will be eligible to apply for changes and have your costs significantly reduced. A pack a day smoker who manages to quit could easily save between $12,000-$15,000 a year through not having to pay for smokes combined with the savings on their insurance. That is enough for a significant vacation, a brand new car or many many shopping sprees. Even those who only smoke a pack or two a week could save around $5000 a year by cutting it out.

With the cost of the habit now sure to increase further in the years to come, now could be the time to dial it back or endeavour to quit entirely. Your wallet would definitely thank you for it.

Monday, October 23, 2017

New Accident and Illness Cover: Is It Right for You?

Spratt Financial Services can now offer you a new and more cost effective option to cover your income in the result of an accident or illness that renders you unable to work. With the new personal accident and illness cover option, income protection insurance is now attainable to even more people who need it. This new insurance could be right for you if: 

  • You are 60 or older and are ineligible for typical forms of disability income protection.
  • You work in a 'high risk' profession and have trouble getting approved for Income Protection Insurance.
  • You want to protect your income should something happen, but you find traditional forms of income protection insurance too expensive for your budget.
  • You wish to add the most cost effective form of income insurance to an existing insurance portfolio.
  • You have income protection, but are concerned about rising costs as you age.
    Personal Accident and Illness cover is in effect identical to a traditional income protection policy, but with a few key differences. If you suffer an accident or illness that renders you unable to work for a protracted period of time, accident and illness cover will pay you the amount agreed upon to cover the wages you are missing from your employer. This amount is decided at the time you take out your policy. For instance, if you are earning $60,000 and set this as your sum assured, you will receive (after the agreed upon waiting period) monthly payouts of $5,000 so that you can maintain your lifestyle, pay the bills and support the family while you're unable to work.

    The key differences between a Personal Accident and Illness policy and a traditional Disability Income Protection policy are:

    • Unlike income protection, there is no age limit, making this a good option for those over 60 who are still active in the work force. 
    • The policy will include a maximum claim term, for instance a year or two years of claim payouts before the benefits will cease.
    • The policy is not guaranteed to renew each year and will be reviewed by the insurer based on your current health conditions and claim payout history.
    • Thus in most cases, a personal accident and illness policy will be less expensive than an Income Protection policy.

    These days, more of us are working and staying active in their later years. We recommend the new personal accident and illness option to those who may be approaching retirement age who want an option to protect their valuable income until that time arrives. We also think this could be a good option for those of any age who have considered income protection but decided not to proceed due to factors of cost, or people of 'high risk' professions that have trouble getting regular income protection insurance. This type of insurance comes with a few added conditions outlined above, but having it could be the difference between having the funds to support your life and not.

    If you think a personal accident and illness policy could be right for you or you have any questions, use the form here or email and one of our professional insurance team will get right back to you. All of our services are completely free and with no obligation to proceed, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.