Showing posts with label NIB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NIB. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

NIB Medical Acquires Onepath Medical Business

Late last year, NIB Medical purchased the entirety of Onepath's medical insurance business for $25 million. Onepath will continue selling life and disability insurance unchanged.

Since NIB arrived in New Zealand after expanding from Australia, it has grown into a substantial presence in the medical insurance marketplace. Originally buying Tower's Medical policies, this further expansion solidifies them further as top players in the NZ insurance market. This development will mean that NIB services 200,000 NZ clients, or around 15% of those with health insurance in the country.

For clients with existing Onepath policies, these policies will be transferred to NIB around the middle of the year. They will then be responsible for your claims and changes to your medical policy. Your premiums and the structure of your policy will remain the same. Notifications from both Onepath and NIB will be sent out to you before then. If you have any questions about the transition, you can contact us anytime and we'll be happy to help.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Breaking News (May 2015)

1. Tower Insurance makes a game out of safe driving. -

With their new smartphone app, families finally have a way to settle all those arguments about who among them is the better/safer driver. Good feedback and points are accumulated for safe braking, smooth acceleration, good cornering and driving at safe speeds under the speed limit. Once every journey is complete, the app gives your score as well as feedback on how to improve next time. This has led 74% of drivers to improve their scores over time.

2. NIB launches new travel insurance. -

NIB is partnering with global travel insurance provider World Nomad Group to offer travel insurance to Kiwis along with their current health and medical insurance business. This marks NIB's continued expansion in the NZ marketplace after purchasing TOWER medical in 2012.

3. Rise in amount of Insurance and Superannuation Jobs available. -

The latest data from SEEK has revealed a month to month jump of 40% in the amount of insurance and superannuation jobs available, much of the growth coming from Auckland and Canterbury.

4. Health Insurance Claims hit $1 billion for the year. - Good Returns

The milestone was reached in the March quarter with insurance funded healthcare in NZ passing $1,000 million. The number of policy holders over the age of 65 continued to grow with the number reaching 150,000 in March.

5. NZ Government asking for everyday Kiwis flag suggestions -

Submissions for new flag designs and what we stand for are being requested by the NZ government. What do you stand for?

6. Health: Study links long car commutes to weight gain. - NZ Herald

People who have changed from their routine of driving to work to walking, cycling or using public transportation lost significant amounts of weight. The research was led by the University of East Anglia in the UK. The longer the commute, the more the weight loss as commutes over 10 minutes leading to a loss of 2kg and a huge 7kg on average for journeys of more than 30 minutes.

7. Opinion: Is Auckland a housing bubble and will it burst? - NZ Herald

Every month we read news about soaring Auckland house prices, with the figures just becoming more and more bloated and out of reach of everyday Kiwis. Is this a permanent trend or a housing bubble that is set to burst?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

News Roundup 31st March

1. Sending Kiwis overseas for cheap surgical procedures ruled out by Southern Cross - NZ Herald

2. Sovereign has had its A+ financial rating renewed for the seventh consecutive year - Good Returns

3. NIB and Fidelity team up to offer health and life insurance bundle - Good Returns

4. Families of missing Malaysia Airlines flight get Insurance payout - Marlborough Express