Showing posts with label Stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stroke. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Understanding Trauma Insurance: Types, Benefits, and Coverage in the New Zealand Marketplace.

Trauma insurance, also known as critical illness insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to provide financial protection in the event of a critical illness or major health condition. In New Zealand, there are various types of trauma insurance policies available, each offering unique benefits and coverage. This article aims to shed light on the types of trauma insurance, their benefits, and the typical conditions covered in the New Zealand marketplace.

Types of Trauma Insurance

  • Standalone Trauma Insurance: This policy solely focuses on critical illnesses and conditions, providing a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis of a covered condition.
  • Trauma Insurance as a Rider/Addon: Some life insurance policies allow the addition of a trauma insurance rider, providing coverage for critical illnesses alongside the primary life insurance coverage as part of an overall bundled insurance policy. Sometimes securing multiple types of insurance under the same policy or from the same provider can result on better deals on premiums.

Benefits of Trauma Insurance

  • Financial Support: Trauma insurance offers a tax-free lump sum payment upon the diagnosis of a covered condition. This payment can be utilized to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, debts, or any other financial obligations during a difficult period.
  • Flexibility in Usage: The lump-sum payment received from trauma insurance can be used at the policyholder's discretion, providing financial freedom to seek alternative treatments, hire caregivers, or even make lifestyle adjustments.
  • Peace of Mind: Having trauma insurance offers peace of mind, knowing that you and your loved ones are financially protected against the potential financial burdens that may arise from critical illnesses.

Typical Conditions Covered

Trauma insurance policies in New Zealand typically cover a range of critical illnesses and conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Cancers: Coverage for various types of cancer, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and more.
  • Heart-related conditions: This includes heart attack, coronary artery bypass surgery, and cardiac arrest.
  • Stroke: Coverage for a significant stroke resulting in permanent neurological deficit.
  • Major Organ Transplant: Coverage for procedures involving the transplant of major organs, such as heart, liver, kidney, or lung.
  • Paralysis: Coverage for conditions resulting in permanent and irreversible paralysis.
  • Loss of Vision, Hearing, or Speech: Coverage for the loss of sight, hearing, or speech due to illness or injury.
  • Various major surgeries or procedures: Make sure that you check your specific policy wording whenever you undergo any medical procedure or receive a diagnosis, as in some cases, in our experience people with active trauma cover have often been able to make a significant claim and not known about it.

Trauma insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding individuals and their families against the financial implications of critical illnesses. In the New Zealand marketplace, there are various types of trauma insurance policies available, offering benefits such as financial support, flexibility in usage, and peace of mind. Understanding the coverage and conditions included in trauma insurance can help individuals make informed decisions about their insurance needs and secure their financial well-being if anything severe does go wrong with their health.

Sometimes people can make the assumption that a severe health event will result in either a recovery or an unfortunate passing, but from 30 years in the Insurance Marketplace, this is not often the case. In fact, the most likely outcome is a protracted period of disablement during which you may no longer be able to continue earning an income. With a lump-sum trauma insurance claim though, your financial worries will be alleviated, allowing you to focus on your recovery and continue to provide for your loved ones and dependants.

*Please note that the coverage, conditions, and benefits of trauma insurance may vary between insurance providers. It is recommended to consult with a qualified insurance advisor or provider to understand the specific details of a policy before making a purchase

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Largest Southern Cross Travel Claims 2014/15

In the wake of Southern Cross announcing that they would be waiving the 'trivial' $100 excess from their travel insurance policies, they have also released the top 10 largest travel insurance claims from the past year, demonstrating just how necessary appropriate travel insurance can really be.

The list itself for the first time does not include only New Zealanders claiming from travel overseas. A claim totalling $236,000 was made by a foreigner who suffered a stroke while travelling through New Zealand and was forced into hospitalisation with an extended treatment. The CEO of Southern Cross Travel Insurance remarked that in comparison to any of these claims, the small cost of insuring your travel paled into insignificance.

The full list is as follows:

Highest value travel insurance claims for 2014:
1. $405,000 - surgery required for cancer in the USA.
2. $365,000 - air evacuation after a brain bleed and heart attack in North America.
3. $285,000 - blood clot while travelling caused a cardiac arrest on a plane, admitted to hospital in the US.
4. $236,000 - a tourist visiting New Zealand suffered a stroke requiring extensive hospitalisation and rehabilitation and transport to home country by air ambulance.
5. $193,000 - suffered a stroke in Europe, required air ambulance.
6. $177,000 - fell from a roof and fractured several leg bones in the USA.
7. $122,000 - family member of an international student diagnosed with cancer.
8. $120,000 - hit by a motorcycle in South East Asia.
9. $112,000 - heart attack while visiting New Zealand, required surgery and rehabilitation.
10. $105,000 - accidental fall resulting in broken bones in Europe
Source: Southern Cross Travel Insurance.
Whether you are travelling overseas, or you are a tourist looking to visit New Zealand, organising travel insurance should be the top of your priority list. Unless, of course, you have a spare $400,000 you're looking to offload.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Do you need trauma insurance?

Did you know:

1. 52 people are diagnosed with cancer everyday in New Zealand.

For many of us who only have basic life insurance or medical insurance, this could be a catastrophic event not only healthwise but financially. Lost income through work and the cost of care spiral upwards quickly, especially if you are the family's sole breadwinner and savings can be rapidly depleted. Upon diagnosis of a critical condition like cancer though, trauma insurance will pay out its entire sum assured to help you and your family financially through your tough times. For this reason, we recommend considering it thoroughly.


2.  Although cancer rates are increasing, deaths due to cancer are decreasing.

The rate of death from cancer has fallen 16.2% in the period between 1999 and 2009. This reflects the continuing advances in treatment. As our population ages, the increase in cancer will continue, with a great proportion of those surviving the disease which is great news. However, once more, it brings into focus how costly a battle with cancer can be for an individual or family.

3. Between the ages of 30 and 65, one in five men and one in seven women will suffer a critical illness which trauma cover could insure them for.

This means that a working couple has a one in three chance of having one its members suffer a serious malady before New Zealand's current retirement age. Are you prepared?

4. 1 in 20 New Zealand adults have been diagnosed with heart disease. That totals a huge 165,000 New Zealanders.

5. A considerable number of less serious conditions and procedures entitle you to a full or partial trauma insurance claim payout.

Whilst you can certainly claim upon your full trauma cover for diagnosis of serious heart disease or when you undergo a major heart operation, many can be unaware that less serious procedures or conditions can be partially covered too. A friend recently found to his surprise that he was entitled to a payout of half of his sum assured for having a stent inserted into his artery (a relatively common procedure). The surgery itself was covered by his health insurance, so the trauma payout helped him pay outstanding bills and provided an unexpected boon to his finances. Read more about his story here.

6. The average age of a Trauma Insurance payout is 47.

This is considerably younger than most people expect to go through a serious health condition. As an average figure too, many payouts occur even younger than that.

7. 21 New Zealanders a day have a stroke.

Approximately 35% of stroke victims are aged under 40.