Showing posts with label Portfolio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portfolio. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The effect of Brexit on your investments.

In the wake of the historic referendum that resulted in Britain's decision to leave the European Union, there has been much financial and economic concern about what this may mean for investments and finances worldwide. Since the result was announced, the British Pound has fallen to 30 year lows, including a 7% fall against the New Zealand dollar.

Here in New Zealand, Kiwi investors are being urged not to panic. John Berry of Pathfinder said NZ investors shouldn't expect a great impact from the result largely because New Zealand's market is largely insulated against the fall that could continue in the United Kingdom and Europe. He went on to say though, that any global downturn that occurs could have an impact on confidence and equities that could permeate our marketplace.

Other advisers have said that if you are long term investor, this will eventually be seen as merely a momentary blip. Short term investors could suffer a degree of loss, but most experts expect that markets will rebuild. Nick Tuffley, ASB chief economist stated that though there is little danger of a significant long term loss, "people need to think about what they are doing and why - whether their objective has been changed by what has happened."

If you are concerned with the impact that Brexit could have on your investment or your finances, our professional investment team offer you free, no obligation advice or reviews at any time through our contact form here.