Showing posts with label Lars Bojsen-Moller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lars Bojsen-Moller. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Notes from the Southern Cross Road Show 2013 (Part Two)

Recently one of our team attended the Southern Cross Health Insurance Roadshow. Here is part two of her experience from the event, and what the experts are saying about the current state of Southern Cross, health insurance in New Zealand, the private health care system and several forthcoming changes. For Part One, click here.

Southern Cross are going to try and implement an open contract strategy (currently being successfully practiced in the UK), which is open referral whereby members ring Southern Cross and they give a list of health care providers, this way there can be some restriction on the overpriced providers mentioned in part one as a drag on the New Zealand health insurance industry. The problem is that currently, the GP refers the patient to a specialist of their choice for whatever reason they choose. It could be that the GP thinks they are the best choice what they do, but it could also be that your GP plays golf with the neurosurgeon and he thinks he’s a great golf player. There is nothing in place in the current system to stop this from happening,. Southern Cross mentioned that unfortunately some of us can be passive and just go with what our GP says, no questions asked. How many of us actually research the specialist or ask for a portfolio? How many of us ring around for a second opinion? Also, as mentioned in Part One, people tend not to care about prohibitive costs when it is 100% covered by the insurer. They are somewhat unaware in this regard that if this problem of overcharging could be addressed, the insurance companies would have more room to lower premiums or offer more competitive rates, which would benefit them directly.

Southern Cross are implementing initiatives to counter overcharging and pass the savings on to the consumer.

In another forthcoming initiative, Southern Cross wants to gather patient information so that a Portfolio on specialists/surgeons can be available for members to actually read about the impending procedure from real people and real cases. This portfolio will divulge success and failure rates, return visits to hospital because procedures haven’t worked, infections caught whilst in hospital and all the relevant information that patients should have access to. This could save money, preventing procedures having to be repeated at Southern Cross' expense. When repeat procesures occur, it was detailed to us that getting the money returned to them involves the insurer battling ACC for medical misadventure as ACC doesn’t willingly pay over the money. Last year, Southern Cross got $6 million recuperated but this was not enough to cover the extra expenditures and costs associated with repeats of procedures.
We were informed in the presentation by Lars Bojsen-Moller that Skin Claims have risen 33% from last year, totalling 47,000 skin claims and $40 million paid out. One of the reasons for this is that GPs aren’t doing what they could be doing.  They are sending the patients to a skin specialist at a cost of $1500 when in some cases the doctors are very capable and more than qualified to carry out the same procedure for $400. When this happens many times it leads to a huge increase in costs which Southern Cross has to pay in claims.

Lars concluded his presentation with a point aiming to make us aware that some health insurance companies don’t word their policies correctly. You can think that you are covered for something but end up not being covered. This is something that clients who go it alone with their insurance have to be aware of and practise extra diligence, or use a broker such as ourselves who have the knowledge to avoid these possible pitfalls and get you just what you need. Wrapping up his presentation, Lars reminded us that Southern Cross have a lot of changes coming up, which hopefully should benefit their ability to give clients better deals on their health insurance and better care. We will keep you informed when these changes come into effect and how they might benefit your personal insurance. As always, if you have an enquiry or you want more information, send us a question at or by phone at (09) 307 8200.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Notes from the Southern Cross Road Show 2013 (Part One)

Recently one of our team attended the Southern Cross Health Insurance Roadshow. Here is her experience from the event, and what the experts are saying about the current state of Southern Cross, health insurance in New Zealand, the private health care system and several forthcoming changes.

Lars Bojsen-Moller (Chief Operating Officer - Marketing and Distribution) took to the floor first up, a really interesting, knowledgeable man, who has been around the world several times comparing the world's public health and health insurance systems. I have broken down as best as I can his hour long presentation.

·         Southern Cross has 61% of the NZ market share.
·         Grew by only .08% last year.
·         Processing 2000 claims a day at $2.8 million.
·          Southern Cross has had an A+ Claim rate for 9 years in a row.
·         Southern Cross had 12% fewer cancellations last year.
·         They have the biggest Adviser Group and were happy to report that Group Schemes were on the rise.

However, on the negative side:

Unfortunately, NZ Health Insurance overall is in decline and has been for the past 3-4 years. This is a direct result of people’s disposable income being increasingly under pressure and the amount of redundancy increases. Also, confidence in Insurance Companies is at an all time low across the board.

Lack of disposable income among Kiwis is hurting the Health Insurance Industry.

Lars spoke with much passion and at great length about a significant problem we are having with specialists/surgeons overcharging and the perception from members and the public that the more the surgeons/specialists charge, the more it must mean they are “the best”. From the statistics, this is not entirely the case. Private practitioners have made sure they have greater demand than supply and have been able to apply this for a long time, by setting their price structure high, and this is not about to change in the foreseeable future. I guess what this means for Southern Cross and the Health Insurance industry is they are being effectively caught in the middle of paying too much and keeping up with meeting member expectations. This will take a long time to remedy, the surgeons and specialists are happy, very happy actually, and the members don’t care about cost as long as they can claim 100% of their procedure, Southern Cross unfortunately are left paying as necessary for procedures that are boosted in price by surgeons and private health care providers. You can understand Southern Cross’s frustration.

The cost being charged by private surgeons is doing damage to the health insurance business, according to Lars Bojsen-Moller.

A recent survey showed most Aucklanders refused to receive private treatment outside of Auckland. North Shore people refused to even receive treatment over the Harbour Bridge. Auckland is by far the most expensive city in NZ for any private procedure and that’s because quite simply, they just can be. For example:  A knee replacement would cost $17,990 in Marlborough and a whooping $26,029 for the exact same procedure in Auckland. The interesting fact is that if anything was to go wrong in Private Surgery/Hospital you end up in the Public hospital!

A lot of Auckland Private surgeons/specialist aren’t willing to contract with Southern Cross, they are price setting and getting away with it. However Southern Cross has contracts with some affiliated providers and this is when you swipe your card and the specialist involved sorts out your prior approval etc which has been the case for quite sometime and which they are hoping to spread further throughout the health care system. If this goes the way Southern Cross wants it to, they believe it will end up helping the public and make a positive impact on mitigating the stresses involved with health insurance prior approvals.

In the next part: We'll see what other initiatives and changes Southern Cross are looking at implementing, some statistics on claims, and how these changes will affect you as insurance clients.