Showing posts with label Hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospital. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Importance of Medical Insurance: A $169,000 medical claim case study

In the unpredictable journey of life, unforeseen medical emergencies can quickly become financial disasters. Private Medical/Health Insurance is invaluable to have when faced with the exorbitant costs associated with comprehensive healthcare and getting you back on your feet. Spratt Insurance Brokers recently processed a medical insurance claim that exemplifies the significance of having adequate coverage, providing a stark reminder of the potential financial devastation without it, one of the highest claims ever processed by our agency (specifics and personal details have been withheld). The claim in question involved a myriad of medical and surgical procedures, a hospital stay, recovery and scans each carrying a substantial price tag. The breakdown of the expenses serves as a testament to the diverse and expensive nature of the care you may need at any time that you may not be able to afford out of your own pocket:
  • Firstly, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was performed, incurring a cost of $2,870. This diagnostic tool is crucial for detailed imaging and diagnostics, but its expense highlights the financial challenges patients may face without insurance coverage.
  • A Computed Tomography (CT) scan came with a price tag of $850. These imaging techniques are essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • The heart of the claim lay in the surgeon's fee, a whopping $58,650. Life-saving surgical interventions can be financially crippling without insurance, making it clear that comprehensive coverage is indispensable in times of medical crisis.
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU) expenses amounted to $2,405.01, underlining the fact that even brief stays in specialized units can lead to astronomical bills. The peace of mind offered by medical insurance becomes apparent as it shields individuals from such financial strain during critical periods of recovery.
  • The anaesthetist fee, totaling $30,797, showcases the multifaceted costs associated with surgical procedures.
  • Implants, costing $5,995.61, and hospitalization expenses, including room and medical supplies, amounted to a staggering $68,000.26.
Spratt Insurance Brokers, understanding the significance of robust coverage, ensured that the entire medical bill of $169,567.88 was paid in full. This example serves as a poignant reminder of the financial protection that medical insurance provides, alleviating the burden of healthcare expenses and allowing individuals to focus on recovery rather than financial distress. If you are interested in sourcing the best in medical insurance for yourself, your family or a group scheme, our professional adviser team would be happy to assist.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hospital Stay Insurance Benefit - How it Works

Hospital. That smell, those beds, that food. Trust me, as a regular visitor to one, I know the drill. It sure isn't my favourite place in the world to visit. But if I was to get re-imbursed for it, that sure might make it a heck of a lot more tolerable. That's what we're talking about today, a benefit on your insurance that could result in just that.

If you have an Income Protection policy you likely already have this benefit (although it always pays to read the policy wording and check, because different providers and policies can vary). Basically, what it means is that if you suffer an illness or accident that necessitates a stay in hospital, you can claim on your hospital benefit. The benefit is designed to protect you whilst you're in hospital, aren't earning an income and possibly can't manage the bills such as your mortgage/car payments/rent etc.

The costs of a hospital stay on your life can be mitigated with Income Protection.

For instance, let's say Mike has a policy with a hospital stay benefit and suffers an illness which lands him in hospital for two weeks. The way the payout is usually calculated is that you will receive 1/30th of your agreed upon monthly income protection payout for each day you are in the hospital. Mike's monthly sum assured is $5,000. 1/30th of $5,000 is $166. That means Mike will receive $166 for each day of his hospital stay. Since Mike stayed two weeks, he is eligible for a total payout of $2,333.

We're trying to draw a bit of attention to this benefit, because recently we have had clients unaware of the fact that they were eligible for a claim on hospital benefit until we told them. So take a close look at your policy wordings and if you've had a hospital stay in the past, you might be eligible for some financial help.

Visit us online at for more info.